Artist-led workshop: Centering
by Florence Dwyer, SSW Exchange Artist in Residence
Wednesday 27th September 5- 7pm
Scottish Sculpture Workshop Ceramics studio
An exploration into centring, on the pottery wheel and in person. This will be a making based workshop for all ages and abilities that aims to look at what it means to be centred. Is it when we act out of an inner unity, when our whole selves are present in what we are doing? What does it feel like to be knocked “off centre” by some outside force? Through working with clay, we’ll question how we can work in tandem and collaboration to fulfil these aspirations.
For more information on the programme and how to get involved in events please contact: 01464 861372.
Artist-led activity: Exchange Programme
As part of Scottish Sculpture Workshop’s 2017 residency programme, SSW has launched a new series of part-funded residency awards to coincide with our AiR programme. The SSW Artist-led activity: Exchange Programme supports artists to undertake a month long residency to specifically focus on developing event or participatory based practices. SSW will host four artists working in this way over the months of May, June, August and September.
For more information on the programme and how to get involved in events please contact: 01464 861372.
This event is supported by Aberdeenshire Council, Creative Scotland and Marr Area Partnership.