
Friday the 13th Potluck Dinner

Last friday we had a fantastic Potluck dinner, hosted with the help of artist Merlyn Riggs. These Potluck dinners, which happen on a semi-regular basis, help bring visiting artists and members of the community together, and allow for the local residents to gain an insight into the practices of the international artists that are currently in residence. This time it was the turn of the artists participating in the USUK: Cast Iron Symposium, and an opportunity to experience some of their infectious excitement over working with this elemental medium.

The Potluck was in the theme of Friday 13th, with upside down umbrellas and ladders obstructing doorways. Guests were invited to bring weird and wonderful dishes of their choosing, creating an eclectic mix ranging from traditional Scottish vegetable stews and raspberry shortbread, to bright blue and red salads, exotic kedgeree and chilli dishes.

Many thanks to Merlyn for her help in hosting the event and to all those who came along for an immensely enjoyable evening!

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