Deadline for applications: Thursday 20 June, 2pm
Dates: Thursday 17 October — Monday 21 October 2019
Honing in on sweating as a bodily function and as a process found in nature, this DIY conceived and led by artist Edythe Woolley will cultivate an embodied practice of dyke/queer resistance through observing and experiencing the act of sweating.
Over 3 days at Scottish Sculpture Workshop, we will consider collective sweat. Through sauna sittings, impulse writings, long walks, nature observations, deep thinking, and working with our hands to build ceramic vessels, we will get closer to thinking about the how liquids transform, intermingle and are exchanged in the natural world and how we might embody this process.
SWEAT is responsive to the dramatic changes we have been seeing in our global weather systems. Like disrupted weather patterns, dykes and queers are misdirected, shut down and experience an attempted ‘straightening out’ by pervasive heteronormative culture. Through these workshops, sweat stained armpits and leaking groins, damp arse cracks and clammy palms are eruptions of resistance to and healings from the straight channels of influence.
This DIY offers the opportunity to detox, sweat and breath each others’ bodily fluids in a moment of calm and queer healing.