Application Deadline: 12 noon, Tuesday 13 November 2018.
Residency 1: 14 January – 11 February 2019
Residency 2: 18 February – 18 March 2019
Cost: £560 per 4 week residency. Residencies are highly subsidised and include accommodation, studio space, access to facilities, technical and curatorial support from the SSW team. Materials are not included.
The 2019 Winter Residency programme marks the beginning of a significant year for SSW as we observe 40 years of hosting and supporting artists from all over the world to develop their practices and make new work. The year also marks significant political and climatic change, shifting national identities and precarious futures.
At this time, we invite artists to come together on residency at SSW to continue the development of their practice and to also embed themselves in the multiple experiences, divergent thought and communal entanglements that occur here. Falling between formal SSW records and archives1, these emotive ephemera exist as “dirty matter” 2, an unrecorded nexus by which ideas are shared, other ways become possible and kinships are formed with reaching effect.
Within this underlying framework, we look to artists who are interested in ideas around:
- Oral histories
- Speculative narration
- Making kin
- Becoming with each other 3
For forty years, this abundance of relationships has underwritten residency at SSW. Together we will test the documentation of residency, what’s communicated, lasting and interpreted in the archive, how kinships are made and what possibilities they offer. What can we take/make from this in today’s uncertain climate, and can we “become with each other” 3 in the process?
For more information and how to apply visit: SSW Winter Residency Programme. Please note the deadline for this residency programme has now passed.
1 Drawing from research carried out by writer Naomi Pearce whilst on a SGSAH residency at SSW earlier this year. Naomi applied her ‘feminist forensic methodology’ to examine the formal and informal histories of SSW, exploring uncategorised material in its archive, gathering anecdotes through interview and practising situated writing in the foundry and ceramic workshops.
2 “Dirty Matter” as coined by Jo Melvin, is, “[A]rt’s interpersonal connections, passions, opinionated reactions, anecdotes, hearsay and gossip…”. Melvin, J. (2015) Holes in the Archive – To fill or leave, that is the question…Bright Light (2) [online] pp. 65-74. Available at: [Accessed: 24 Sept. 2018].
3 Haraway, D. (2016) Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Durham, Duke University Press.