
SSW Event – Potluck Lunch with work by artists Kirsty Russell and fiona McCubbin.

Join us for a potluck lunch this Friday the 2nd of June hosted by SSW, with current artists in residence Kirsty Russell and Fiona McCubbin. This event will mark the end of their one month Artist Led Activity: Exchange Residency at SSW. It is a chance to share their new body of work and thoughts relating to self care and collective care.

This work has been informed by a series of informal meetings and workshops with individuals and groups living or working locally to SSW. You are invited to participate in an introduction to divining – a practice which uses metal rods to find water, as well as an informal open studio showcasing objects made by the artists in response to their time in Lumsden.

Everyone is welcome – please bring a dish to share, meet the artists and contribute to this conversation.

The SSW Artist-led activity: Exchange Programme supports artists to undertake a month long residency to specifically focus on developing event or participatory based practices. SSW will host four artists working in this way over the months of May, June, August and September. For more information on the programme and how to get involved in events please contact: arts@ssw.org.uk/ 01464 861372.
Friday 2nd June – 1pm – 3pm

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