In August, we welcomed Claire Baily (UK), Chelsea Farquhar (AU) and Tal Gafny (IL), alongside Lumsden resident Romy Danielewicz (UK) for our second Summer Residency of 2019. Living and working together for one month on our site in Aberdeenshire, the group developed strong friendships, connections and a love of wild swimming, whilst learning new skills and developing work across our facilities.
With a practice rooted in casting, Claire utilised and explored these skills to explore mapping within her sculptures. Bringing in processes learned in the workshop and new materials such as linen and canvas, she combined and layered elements towards new sculptural works. Chelsea foraged local materials to explore methods of display, accompanied by domestic objects made in wood, ceramic and bronze. Tal sculpted and cast a human pelvis for an upcoming exhibition, and spent time drawing a pair of packaged shears lent to Eden, SSW’s Senior Technician. She became interested in the anthropomorphic qualities of the object and its layers, enjoying the process of drawing, looking closely and spending time.
As our Lumsden Residency artist, Romy shared a workshop with the students at Lumsden Primary School based on their research into ancient methods of farming and a circular, seasonal economy. They also wrote extensively and worked in ceramics. Romy will share the outcomes from this workshop at our 40th anniversary celebrations in November.
It wasn’t all work – the residents enjoyed early morning walks, including hikes to the top of Tap O’ Noth and the Buck, and swims in the river Don. A visit to the renowned Lonach Gathering concluded their stay- a real treat to see some Scottish heritage in action!