This course has been cancelled.
Cost: £650 residential / £550 non-residential (course costs include tuition, materials and consumables)
13 – 17 March 2023
Booking: Book online below or phone SSW on 01464 861372.
Further information:
Some people can be sensitive to the some of the materials used. We provide full PPE but if you have had reactions to silica, oil-based compounds, plaster or such like, please advise us beforehand.
If you have any suggestions, questions or requirements relating to accessibility at SSW, please get in touch and we will make every effort to support you to visit.
Our Courses Terms and Conditions are available here.
Through this course you will become confident in the fundamentals of mould making. You will plan and produce rubber and plaster moulds, work with wax, sand casting and ceramic shell to gain a strong understanding of the processes of producing moulds and running systems for bronze casting.
Taking your completed moulds into the foundry, you will learn the ins and outs of foundry practice. You will work as a small team to pour your moulds and create bronze casts. After the pour, you will gain experience of finishing and fettling bronze, plus basic patina, giving a complete overview of bronze casting and finishing.
Next steps after this course: Open Access