
Join our board of trustees

Rural School of Economics Summer School. Photo by Felicity Crawshaw

Extended deadline: 1 September, midday

Scottish Sculpture Workshop (SSW) is seeking people to join our Board of Trustees from September 2023, to work collaboratively with our existing Board Members and staff team, in support of SSW in our mission to connect people through making.

2023 is an exciting year for SSW. We are looking for new board members who will feed into developing our strategic plan for 2025 – 2028, working on policies and initiatives that support access within our workshops, continuing to redevelop our site through an extensive capital campaign and building and sustaining important local, national and international partnerships. We are excited to work with new Board Members to bring their knowledge and expertise to SSW in order to drive this work forward at a strategic level.

It is our priority to build a Board that reflects the range of lived experiences that we seek to welcome at Scottish Sculpture Workshop. We are particularly keen to meet potential Board Members who have lived experiences that are currently under-represented on the SSW Board (expanded within the Board Recruitment Pack). We understand lived experiences as a skill that you bring to this role. Other skills that we are seeking in this call for Board Members include:

  • Finance & Legal
  • Governance
  • Capital Planning, Development & Sustainability
  • Equity and Diversity
  • Artist Development and Support
  • Communications, PR and Digital

Trustees serve in a voluntary capacity, however, we can cover travel costs for attending in-person meetings at SSW and can offer accommodation on site if you are traveling from further away. We understand that traveling to our rural site is not possible for everyone and as such we host Board meetings and interim informal meetings in a hybrid way providing options for both online and onsite meetings.

We have an access budget available to support Board Members in their roles. This can cover reasonable expenses related to childcare, interpretation, digital access, reading or writing support amongst other wider access needs. 

We value diverse lived experiences and recognise that skills can be gained in many contexts across work, volunteering and education and as such we welcome expressions of interest from people with a range of personal and professional backgrounds. We also support applications from people based locally, nationally and internationally reflecting the reach of our organisation.

The above is an overview, for full details about what we are looking for and what the role involves, please download the Board Recruitment Pack.


Extended deadline: 1 September, midday

Interviews: w/c 11 September

Prospective applicants Shadow Board meeting (online): 22 September

Applicants formally elected as new Board Members at SSW AGM: 29 September

How to apply

Download and read the Board Recruitment Pack.

To submit an expression of interest in becoming a Board Member at SSW, please fill out the online form.

Expressions of interest should be submitted via the online form by midday 25 August 2023.

Selection process

All expressions of interest will be treated in confidence and read by two of our current Board Members including the Chair, Dr Jen Clarke as well as the SSW Director, Sam Trotman. Following this two Board Members will shortlist applicants for interview on behalf of the wider Board.

Shortlisted applicants will then be invited to meet with the Chair, another Board Member and SSW Director via Zoom at an agreed time on the w/c 11 September. We will share a schedule and any specific questions we have relating to your expression of interest for this meeting in advance, and will invite an access rider or informal conversation relating to your digital access needs, as required.  

Following this the full Board will select  applicants from the shortlisted group. 

Shortlisted applicants will then be invited to meet with the staff team and wider Board and observe a remote Board meeting on 22 September.

Successful applicants will then be invited to formally join the Board at the AGM on 29 September.

Support with your application

Please contact SSW Programme Producer Joanne Matthews on arts@ssw.org.uk if you are having technical difficulties, or have any access requirements that we can support you with in the submission and/or shortlisting  process.


Board Recruitment Pack PDF
Apply online (includes a link to our equalities, diversity and inclusion form)

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