The USUK artists are working flat-out in preparation for the big production iron pour due to take place on Saturday here at SSW. Technical placement Nam Le, who has taken part in USUK on a cross continental basis this year, has been experimenting with USUK artist Jeff Crawford, to create a cast of his own face.
Susanne Roewer is still busy working on one of the larger pieces to be cast during the symposium, while Kelly Wilton is working on moulds of minuscule organic matter, such as moss and small animal bones found around Lumsden. She is using expanding foam to group together the separate components of her work and create the finished sculptural forms.
USUK director Coral Lambert has been creating a new ‘cloud’ series, similar to her previous work. In each series Coral seeks out found objects from the studios or areas that she finds herself in, so that each series donates a specific relationship to the context she is working in.
Other work going on includes wax pieces by Virginia Hutchison, and Austin Sheppards’ arm series.